Monday, February 4, 2008


I strongly dislike Mondays. I would say that I hate Mondays, but I'm trying to stay as positive as I can. I don't want to make "hate" a goto word when I'm trying to describe something else. If I say hate, I want it to be like...whoa, Zane really doesn't like that to the point where he hates it. You know what I mean?

I created a blog today. In all honesty, I created this blog for two reasons. One, because Jenny uses her blog and I want to be able to respond. Two, Mike created a blog for the church, and I wanted to be able to respond.

But now that I'm back on the blogging circuit, I'm reminded of my time blogging for livejournal, and the occasional blog on myspace. I do enjoy blogging, as long as people read it.

I would just write in my prayer journal if I didn't want people to read it, so the only way this blog will get any traction is if people read it.


Nick said...

I'll read it :o)

Unknown said...

write on, brother, write on.

kendall said...

YOYOYO welcome to the blog world.

Jenny said...

I'm reading... keep blogging. I love blogging and reading peoples comments. I also really like reading everyones blogs and seeing what they are up to. Love you!!!!

Steph said...

Aw, I don't have a pic, but I'll read your blog, I think it's neat! :o)