Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Cahaba

I was lucky enough to go fishing down at the Cahaba with Mike yesterday afternoon. It was amazing. I'm sorely upset that I did not bring my camera. The scenery was stunning. I have been down to the Cahaba a few times in the Helena/Hoover area. Once it gets south of the Birmingham donut it really opens up and looks amazing.

Of course we didn't catch any fish. That is pretty much the standard when I am around. I simply scare fish. I think it is a sic-sense I have. Somewhere in my DNA my body is trained to be fearful of fish, so my skin emits a toxin into the water that serves as a sort of "tornado siren" to the fish.

That makes sense to me.

Really though I did not mind not catching fish. Being in God's creation and learning new skills with a good friend was enough.


kendall said...

Lol tornado siren... you crack me up. My dad always told me if you talk you scare the fish away... Now that I look back it was only because he wanted me to be quiet. I stopped going fishing with him a long time ago but here recently we took his new boat out to test the motor and I was in awe of the beauty I had been missing out on... I think I may start to go fishing a bit more or canoeing I miss the outdoors and being lost in Gods beautiful creation.

Hope you are having a great week :)

zaner said...

Yeah, I love the "you're gonna scare the fish" argument. Totally not true. I would love to go canoeing sometime. We might do best to wait till September, because it would be insanely hot right now.