My life has been seriously ridiculous lately. There have been so many unexpected things that have pulled me in new directions. I wish I could just spill my beans on here and let you all in on my secrets. Unfortunately I can't.
Over the past few months I have been on a great journey. I really don't want to sound smug, but it really has been a crazy adventure with God. I have been challenged, stretched, angered, plundered, saddened, joyful, excited, and scared. Sometimes going through all of those emotions in one day.
There are a few reasons as to why it has been such an unpredictable ride, and one I can share is the pursuit Holiness. Man I have just had strong conviction lately. I can't seem to get it off me sometimes. Conviction is like that neighborhood dog you don't like, but you don't hate either. You know. It's the dog that wanders up and is like "hey I'm here" and you're like "ugh man you again, dang, what am I going to do with you?" Yeah so conviction sucks but it is awesome at the same time.
Let me tell you a story.
So the other day I had messed up pretty bad. I don't typically have any road rage issues. Sometimes I get a little angry when people ride my bumper, but rarely enough to even look twice. Well a couple of days ago a dude (in a maroon Buick fyi) pissed me off so bad I rolled my window down and screamed "hey, f*** you!". Yeah he heard me too, no direct response he just changed lanes and got out of there. My heart was racing I was so mad. Well clearly you realize that was a mistake. I definitely felt convicted about it in like...I don't know...5 nanoseconds. Anyway it was a dumb move and that guy probably got cursed at like 6 other times before he got to his destination, just judging by the way he was driving.
But enough about him.
So yeah that event kinda soured my day. After that I had a few other things wagging their tail of conviction at me. I knew things in my Spirit were out of sync with God. I needed to get some quiet time in that night to just talk to God and let Him know how sorry I was. You see there's this thing about Holiness, you can't stop pursuing it. You lose sight of Holiness and its like a snowball after that. You stop thinking about your actions, and you just start acting. That's not right. I knew I had to straighten stuff out. And I did, praises.
Anyways...I don't want to preach today.
I don't intend for this to be a mini-lesson. I just want to share where I'm at. God is working on me in a "burning stuff to the surface and scraping it off" kind of way. Its cool because I can see tangible results, but it can be painful too. God is truly great and He knows what's up...but sometimes I want a break you know. Like God can you give me five freakin' minutes. Then I remember how I would much rather go through it now while its easier than go through it after years of being a hopeless sinner. God's way is always better. Yeah I'm ranting now I know. Well ok then, have a scripture and a smile.
"Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you'll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God." ~ 1 Peter 2:4-8ish